DGASS is giving the first ever performances of the new G&S Work, "The Jury's Out", created by Linda D. Milne. Music adapted and arranged by Willie Campbell.
7.30pm on Thu 13th and Fri 14th Feb. 2,30pm on Sat 15th Feb 2025.
Carnegie Hall Dunfermline.
LInda Milne is directing DGASS for the first time.
Musical Director Eddie MacLennan
Act 2 is mostly "Trial by Jury"
Act 1 is a prequel, containing events that led up to Sally (plaintiff) and Richard (defendant) ending up in court in Act 2. It contains music from "The Sorcerer", "Ruddigore", "HMS Pinafore", "The Mikado", "The Pirates of Penzance", "Patience" and "The Gondoliers".
Amazing singing by our principals (Jen Murray Smith, Sinead Beveridge, Frances McCafferty (Honorary President), Theodore Rankine-Fourdraine, Kenneth Maciver, Robin Ozog, Michael Enright, Martin Tarr, Andrew Murray) plus several great choruses.
Dancers from "The Dance Bank" are joining us again this year.
What's not to like?
Look forward to seeing you.
Tickets from members, from the hotline 07703483083, via the website (
Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society | The web site for G&S enthusiasts in Fife) or from the box office at Carnegie Hall.